Wilderness Escapes

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Surviving in the Wilderness

Man has let himself become too carefree in this age of technology, seduced by the mirage of false security. After all, you may pull out a tiny computer from your pocket and discover the answer to any problem or call for help if something goes wrong. Even to make money you need a computer, an internet connection and the Jet Casino app. And that's it! 

But what if you're in the wilderness, far from help? Then, you'll need to know how to survive.

If you become confused, do not continue on your path. Stop and examine the surroundings; make yourself familiar with them. You must identify the parts of the world in order to choose the correct course: north, south, east, or west. How can you do that? If you stand facing the Sun at noon with your back to it, your shadow will point in the direction of the setting Sun, which is west. The rising Sun is in the east. So, if you keep your shadow on your left side, you are facing north; on your right side, south.

In order to find food and water, look for running streams: where there is water, there is also usually game. Climb high to get a better view of the area and look for green patches, which usually indicate a spring or other water source. To catch fish, you can use your hands, a bent wire hook, or a trap made of reeds and branches. In order to catch small game, make a snare by fashioning a noose out of cord or wire and attaching it to a bent sapling that will spring up when the animal trips the wire. You can also make a deadfall trap by balancing a heavy log on top of a stick; when an animal disturbs the stick, the log falls and crushes it.

For food, you can eat almost any plant or root, but be sure to cook it first. Some plants, such as cattails, can be eaten raw. To build a fire, use the "fire plow" method: Rub a dry stick back and forth in a groove cut into a piece of softwood; the friction will create heat, which will eventually ignite the shavings. You can also use a magnifying glass or a lens from your eyeglasses to focus the Sun's rays on a tinder bundle.

Building a shelter is essential for survival. If you have time, build a frame of branches and cover it with leaves, moss, or bark. If you don't have time, look for a cave or hollow tree. Make sure that your shelter is large enough to accommodate a fire.

To stay warm, build a fire and huddle close to it. You can also insulate yourself from the ground by sleeping on a bed of leaves or evergreen boughs. If you have no shelter, pull your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around them.

In order to purify water, boil it for at least five minutes or filter it through a cloth. You can also purify water by adding eight drops of bleach per gallon; let it stand for 30 minutes before drinking.

Building Shelter

It is vital knowledge to have how to construct a temporary shelter if you want to survive in the wilderness. Even the thinnest, most unreliable shelter may keep you safe from the elements when used correctly, especially at night, since the temperature drops significantly. It will also aid in preventing pesky bugs that can be bothersome during summer and fall foliage seasons.

An ideal shelter would be:

-A large tarp

-An emergency blanket

-Rope or string

-Cordage such as para-cord

-A knife

These materials can be used to construct a variety of effective shelters, including a lean-to, A-frame, and poncho shelter.

Lean-tos are one of the most popular wilderness shelters. They are easy to build, using only a few materials, and can be constructed quickly. To build a lean-to, first find two trees that are close together and at a similar height. Then, tie one end of your rope or string to one tree and the other end to the other tree. Next, drape your tarp over the rope, making sure that it hangs down far enough to reach the ground on both sides. Finally, use rocks or logs to weigh down the edges of the tarp so that it doesn’t blow away in the wind.

A-frames are a step up from lean-tos in terms of both stability and weather protection. To construct an A-frame, tie one end of your rope or string to a tree and the other end to a stake that you’ve driven into the ground. Then, drape your tarp over the rope so that it forms a triangle shape. Next, use rocks or logs to weigh down the edges of the tarp. Finally, if you have any extra cordage, use it to tie the corners of the tarp to the ground for added stability.

Poncho shelters are one of the quickest and easiest shelters to build. To construct a poncho shelter, simply drape your poncho over a rope or string that is tied between two trees. Then, use rocks or logs to weigh down the edges of the poncho. If you have an emergency blanket, you can use it as a groundsheet under your poncho for added insulation.

No matter what type of shelter you build, it is important to remember that the key to staying warm is insulation. Using an emergency blanket as a groundsheet will help to reflect your body heat back up to you, and adding extra layers of clothing will also help to keep you warm. If you have a fire, you can place it in front of your shelter to help keep the area warm. Just be sure to build it in a safe location so that it doesn’t spread and cause damage to the surrounding area.

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